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Belmont Social Creative Studio is a brand house that encompasses signature logo design, branding, packaging, website design, and social media management. Ideal for niche businesses looking to elevate their brand.

33.7569° N, 118.1371° W


Amplify Your Story With Authentic Branding & Intentional Design 

Each project is handcrafted with care, for your individual needs and values.


I create unique, meaningful, timeless designs that resonate with your dream audience based on strategy by auditing your business's market.


Upon completion, you will have an identity that you are confident will cross between print, web, social media, packaging, and more.




I am Priscilla a brand strategist, web designer, and social media enthusiast always on the go with a cup of coffee in my hand. Currently, I'm cafe hopping in London!


I am here to help you creatively in a way that supports you in every business season and to cheer you on! So let's get to know each other. I'll go first!


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Build The Business You Dream Of Correctly And Confidently Launch It

You’re branding is more than just a beautiful logo. Together we will develop your brand identity, brand voice, mission, goals and strategy all before we even begin the designing stage! From there I will begin the build of your unique colour palette, typography & graphic elements that align with your newly born brand identity.

Your brand is what sets you apart from your competitors, investing in your brand /visual identity/ virtual home is one of the most important things you can do for the long-term success of your business. Consistent, strategic branding leads to strong brand equity and memorable online customer leads - so let's do it right!



Web Design 

Social Media 

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